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The CITGO Street Image

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10% Average Volume Increase

Locations that have converted to the CITGO Centennial Image are enjoying average volume increases of 10%.

Source: 2012 YTD averages over 2011 YTD averages as reported by reimaged locations

*Results may vary depending on market area

Experience the CITGO Centennial Image

60-Second Facelift

You might not be able to re-image in 60 seconds like we do in this video, but it won't take long.
For more information on giving your location a makeover, contact your CITGO gasoline supplier.

Currently Playing

60-Second Facelift

See how a location makeover can make a major difference.

Cary Oil

Hear what others have to say about the CITGO Centennial Image

C.N. Brown

Watch how the value of the CITGO Centennial Image has helped business grow.

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Park City, Illinois

The key to the CITGO Centennial Image philosophy is simple—welcome the customer with everything from good deals on good fuel to good business practices that fuel good in local communities.

Alvin, Texas

The Centennial Image carries on the CITGO tradition of cutting edge street-level design. Developed in collaboration with CITGO Marketers, the Centennial Image gives strong placement to the CITGO Trimark, so that it can be seen for miles—a beacon of great service.

Katy, Texas

"The CITGO Centennial Image is clean, contemporary and easy to install. But most impressive is its reasonable price." — CITGO Retailer

Prattville, Alabama

The CITGO Centennial Image has already proven to be a big success, setting locations apart from the competition at street level and boosting volume and sales. With reasons like this, why wouldn't you want to reimage?

Houston, Texas

"The CITGO Centennial Image gives me a modern look at an affordable price." — CITGO Retailer


Brand Image Brochure
Brand Image Brochure

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Canopy, Island and Pump Specs
Canopy, Island and Pump Specs

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Logo Guidelines
Logo Guidelines

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat tincidunt enim in bibendum.

Under Deck Canopy Paint
Under Deck Canopy Paint

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For More Information
Contact your CITGO gasoline supplier with any questions unless a specific contact is provided.