You will be notified that your mystery shop survey was completed after each shop. Contact your CITGO gasoline supplier to review your results. You can also review results on, if your location is registered on the website. Just click the “Mystery Shop Results” button.
Your gasoline supplier will provide recommendations for improvements and possible training to improve your score. The following penalties will be applied to CITGO gasoline suppliers for each location scoring less than 80% on consecutive shops. It is up to them to decide whether or not to pass them on to you.
- 1st failure - warning letter (no charge)
- 2nd consecutive failure - $100 charge
- 3rd consecutive failure - $200 charge and subject to debrand
- 4th consecutive failure - $500 charge and subject to debrand
- 5 or more failures - $1,000 charge and subject to debrand
After the first-quarter results are completed, Retailers that register on this site will have access to:
- Quick, easy-to-understand performance reports
- A complete survey review after each shop
- A request for appeal process should you question your scores for any reason
Request for Action (RFA)
You have the ability to submit an RFA if you feel a scoring error was made on your Mystery Shop. RFAs must be submitted within 30 days from the shop OR 10 days after the end of the quarter, whichever comes first.
RFA Instructions
Image Solution Program (ISP)
The ISP allows you to earn points back when you take action to fix branding issues. It works via a new “Action Feedback” section on your quarterly mystery shop report. Under failed branding questions, you’ll receive specific actions to take to earn points back. ISPs must be submitted within 45 days from the shop.
ISP Instructions
ISP Form
Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks is a new feedback feature found on your quarterly mystery shop reports. Automatically populating under select questions, they provide you with solutions to file existing issues in order to avoid penalties on future shops. They do not offer points back.